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Meet Our Animal Friends



Bennett's wallaby

Did you know that wallabies are expert jumpers? These adorable marsupials can leap up to 10 feet in a single bound, which is about three times their body length! Imagine if humans could jump that far—it would definitely make getting around town more interesting!

Bennett's wallaby

Did you know that wallabies are expert jumpers? These adorable marsupials can leap up to 10 feet in a single bound, which is about three times their body length! Imagine if humans could jump that far—it would definitely make getting around town more interesting!


Fennec fox

Fennec foxes, with their oversized ears, aren't just cute; they're also fantastic listeners! Those big ears serve a purpose beyond looking adorable—they help the fennec fox hear prey moving underground, like insects and rodents, from as far as 20 feet away. It's like having built-in satellite dishes for hunting!


Fennec fox

Fennec foxes, with their oversized ears, aren't just cute; they're also fantastic listeners! Those big ears serve a purpose beyond looking adorable—they help the fennec fox hear prey moving underground, like insects and rodents, from as far as 20 feet away. It's like having built-in satellite dishes for hunting!



Patagonia mara

Patagonian maras are not your average rodents—they're speedy sprinters! These large, rabbit-like creatures can reach speeds of up to 45 kilometers per hour (28 miles per hour). That's faster than the average human jogging speed! So if you ever find yourself in a race against a Patagonian mara, you might want to lace up your running shoes tight!


miniature american horse

Miniature American horses may be small in stature, but they have big hearts! Despite their tiny size, they are incredibly strong for their weight, capable of pulling carts or even participating in competitive driving events. Pound for pound, they can pull about three times their own weight! They might be small, but they're definitely mighty!

Prairie dog

Did you know that prairie dogs are not actually dogs, but rather, they're rodents? Despite their name, these social critters are more closely related to squirrels than canines. In fact, their complex underground burrow systems can span hundreds of meters and house interconnected communities, making them one of the most fascinating creatures of the prairie.


Belgian horse

Belgian horses, known for their immense strength, are like the gentle giants of the equine world. These majestic beasts hold the record for the tallest and heaviest horse breed. In fact, the tallest Belgian horse on record stood at a towering 20.2 hands (82 inches) tall at the withers, which is over 6 feet 10 inches! Despite their massive size, they're known for their docile temperament and are often used for heavy draft work, showing just how gentle giants can also be incredibly powerful!



Paint horse

Paint horses are nature's artists! Known for their striking coat patterns, they come in a variety of colors and markings, making each one unique. What's fascinating is that no two Paint horses have exactly the same pattern. It's like they're wearing a custom-designed coat! This diversity in their appearance adds to their charm and makes them stand out in any crowd. Whether they're trotting in a pasture or prancing in a show ring, Paint horses always paint a beautiful picture!



Ostriches, the largest birds on Earth, are true speed demons! Despite their hefty size, they can sprint at an astonishing 70 kilometers per hour (43 miles per hour), leaving many land animals in the dust. It's like having a feathered Ferrari on the savannah!


silkie chickens

Silkie chickens are the fluffy divas of the poultry world! With their distinctive soft, fur-like feathers and cute, feathery crests, they're like walking clouds. But what really sets them apart is their unique trait of having black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot (most chickens have four).

Gideon & Eve

Nubian Goats

Nubian goats are the rockstars of the goat world! With their long, pendulous ears and Roman noses, they exude a certain charm that's hard to resist. But what truly makes them stand out is their reputation for being chatterboxes. Nubians are known for their vocal nature, often "singing" or bleating loudly to communicate with their herd or express their opinions. It's like having a built-in goat choir on the farm!



Fainting goat

Fainting goats: the barnyard jesters! When startled, their muscles briefly freeze, causing them to tip over like fainting comedians. But don't worry, they quickly bounce back, ready to continue their antics!



Emus are the sprinters of the bird world! These flightless giants can reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour (31 miles per hour), making them the Usain Bolts of the outback. With their long legs and powerful strides, they're built for speed, whether they're chasing mates or evading predators. It's like having an Olympic runner in feathers!




Cats are the stealthy ninjas of the animal kingdom! With their keen senses and flexible bodies, they're natural-born hunters. Did you know that a domestic cat can jump up to six times its body length in a single bound? That's like a human leaping over a three-story building!

HeyHey & Others

guinea fowl

Guinea fowl are the vigilant watchdogs of the farm! These speckled birds are known for their keen eyesight and loud, distinctive calls, making them excellent alarm systems against intruders. With their sharp beaks and quick reflexes, they can also be surprisingly agile, darting around the yard with ease. It's like having a feathered security team patrolling your property, keeping everything in check!




Coatimundis, also known as coatis, are the acrobats of the rainforest! With their long, ringed tails for balance and sharp claws for grip, they navigate treetops with remarkable agility. These curious creatures are known to leap between branches, climb effortlessly, and even hang upside down while foraging for food. It's like watching a circus performer in the wild, showcasing their incredible agility and adaptability in their forest habitat!




Capybaras are the social butterflies of the animal kingdom! These giant rodents live in close-knit groups and are often found lounging by the water's edge, enjoying a soak. With their webbed feet and sleek bodies, they're excellent swimmers, effortlessly gliding through rivers and lakes. Their friendly demeanor and relaxed attitude make them popular companions. It's like having a chilled-out swimming buddy wherever they go!

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